We offer experimental treatment for various ailments from natural phages of Ganga River.







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Who we are

The author acquired his Bachelors Degree in Science (Physics, Chemistry and Math) from Kanpur University and Doctoral Degree in Food and Resource Economics from University of Florida in 1973. He was Assistant Professor of Economics at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

He has been involved in conservation of River Ganga since 2008. He has many court cases relating to construction of dams on the rivers. Twenty-two hydropower projects on Ganga have been held up because of these litigations. He has argued in-person a number cases before the Supreme Court, National Green Tribunal and High Court of Uttarakhand.

He became involved in clinical use of Ganga water during the Corona Pandemic. He has published the following papers regarding the treatment of various conditions by the use of phages in Ganga water.

  1. Observational case studies of Gangajal Therapy. ( Paper published in International Ayurvedic Medical Journal)
  2. Observational case studies of effect of phage laden Ganga water on Dyspepsia and Diabetes Patients.( Paper published in Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine)
  3. Observational case studies of Treatment of skin disorders with natural Phage in Ganga water. ( Paper published in our Dermatology Online)
  4. Observational case studies of the effect of phage laden water on Psoriasis. ( Paper published in IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology).
  5. Natural cocktail phage therapy with water of Ganga river.( Paper published in Academia).

He was awarded the Nachiketa Award by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2002 for outstanding contribution to economic journalism.